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Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

The Big Difference Between Christian Bale And Ben Affleck's Batmen, According To Charles Roven (Repost Artikel)

It has been thoroughly explained that the events featured in The Dark Knight Trilogy and the growing DC Cinematic Universe occur in two distinct realities. While the Christopher Nolan movies are set in a world with no superheroes, that very much isn’t the case with the emerging cohesive vision that will ultimately bring the Justice League together. But there is specifically one thing that really separates that characters of Batman, as played by Christian Bale and Ben Affleck in the two movie universes: while the former arguably got out of the superhero game right on time, the latter has arguably stuck around just a bit too long.

Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with producer Charles Roven at a Los Angeles-set press event for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and given that the filmmaker also famously worked on the Dark Knight trilogy, it was only natural that part of our conversation was about the line between the two most recent live-action interpretations of Batman. Touching on the subject early in the interview, Roven explained,

"It’s a different universe, but we also wanted him to be a, you know, a more mature, more evolved guy. Christian left being Batman. This guy maybe stayed too long, right. He’s what Christian might have become had he stayed, but he didn’t. He told us that at the end ofThe Dark Knight Rises, so, and we thought, in the idea of Ben and the crafting of the script, those were things that sort of fed on each other. When it came time to go after an actor, he was really the top dog, because he brought so much to it, and when Zack met with him it was exactly the kind of character that he was interested in playing."

For those who don’t remember, the Dark Knight Rises certainly provided a firmconclusion for Christian Bale’s version of Batman. After being in hiding for many years (blamed for the death of Harvey Dent, among others), the Caped Crusader had one last fight in him to protect Gotham City from the havoc brought upon by Bane (Tom Hardy) and Talia al Ghul (Marion Cotillard.) After that, however – sensing he was coming close to the "live long enough to see yourself become the villain" threshold – Bruce Wayne decided to fake his own death and get out of the game for good (with Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman at his side). It seems that Ben Affleck’s version in the DCCU never found himself struck with this moment of clarity, and just simply continued to be the constant terror of villains in Gotham.

Ya, menurut saya sebagai fans dari film Batman. Pada film The Dark Knight Trilogy yang diperankan oleh Christian Bale memang memilki feel yang sangan jauh berbeda pada film tersebut. Film Trilogy Batman yang disutradarai oleh Christopher Nolan memang menurut saya lebih epic daripada film batman yang lainnya. Dengan ciri khas suara yang dimiliki oleh aktor Christian Bale dalam memerankan film batman dan hal tersebut tidak bisa dibeli oleh aktor-aktor yang lainnya dalam memerankan Batman.

Dan pada film terbaru Batman v Superman Dawn Of Justice, DC menunjuk aktor Ben Affleck untuk memerankan tokoh Batman yang baru. Dan setelah saya menonton film Batman v Superman itu, saya merasa film ini sangat gagal. Karena saya pecinta film batman, jadi dalam film tersebut saya hanya memerhatikan detail ke tokoh Batman nya. Batman yang diperankan oleh Ben Affleck sangat jauh berbeda dengan yang diperankna oleh Christian Bale sebelumnya. Pada film Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice terdapat scene dimana Bruce Wayne dan Alfred sedang dalam percakapan, dan dalam scene itu tokoh Alfred memegang alat seperti pembesar suara yang di taruh di lehernya. Dan alat itu digunakan untuk Bruce Wayne pada saat menggunakan kostum Batman.

Tentu saja menurut saya itu adalah hal yang memalukan. Karena Ben Affleck tidak menggunakan suara asli untuk menjadi Batman. Atau lebih tepatnya dia menggunakan alat bantu pengeras suara, agar suara pada waktu menjadi Batman terlihat lebih sangar atau lebih menyeramkan. Beda dengan aktor Christian Bale, Bale menggunakan suara aslinya untuk memerankan Batman. Dan suara tersebut menjadi suara ter epic dalam Tokok Batman yang pernah saya lihat. Dan para fans diseluruh dunia pun sangat mengapresiasi baik terhadap Christian Bale yang sudah sangat totalitas memerankan Batman.

Sumber: http://www.cinemablend.com/news/Big-Difference-Between-Christian-Bale-Ben-Affleck-Batmen-According-Charles-Roven-120307.html

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